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Open letter/Challenge to Disney Stars
I had to open it up and will be there until the challenge is met/fulfilled. You can read it here.
Update: Selena Gomez has already reached Japan as of Feb 2011, and Miley Cyrus has already reached the Philippines as of Jul 2011. Let's keep hoping for the others.
We finally got hold of the plot details for the Sentai VS movieTensou Sentai Goseiger vs Shinkenger: Epic on the Silver Screen that will be shown on January 2011.
An Ayakashi named Madakodama makes an appearance in the city and starts attacking, until Arata comes in and fights him as GoseiRed. However, his Tensou-jutsu had no effects on the said Ayakashi. That's when ShinkenRed appeared. In order to cut open the Sanzu no Kawa, Madakodama retreated. How did the Gedoushu got revived?
So, Takeru gave an order to Jii to call back all the other Shinkengers. Arata, as a Goseiger, wants to co-operate with the Shinkengers. Jii thinks that Doukoku has something to do with Gedoushu's return. The other four Shinkengers reappear one by one, but it wasn't the time for a celebration. Madakodama once again starts attacking and 2 Super Sentai teams teamed up to fight him. But it was such a difficult fight for them, that Takeru was captured. this made an uproar to occur between the 2 teams, although Arata refuse to give up. Something awful is happening to Takeru's body. What is his fate?
Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs Shinkenger: Epic on the Silver Screen will be shown in Japanese theaters on January 22, 2011.
Thank you for reminding me that. I'll fix it now.
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