And for the man behind the mask.
Credits to Orends Range for this bits of info.
Where Disney Channel and Tokusatsu collide.
With Kamen Rider W's finale getting nearer, and casts and basic forms for Kamen Rider OOO revealed, all fans are hyped up to see the new Kamen Rider in action! Now, here are some more information regarding the 12th Heisei Rider.
Hino Eiji, 21 years old. A man without devotion or desire, and very little prospects for marriage. He's always wandering around and can't settle for a job. He's a "As long as I have some money, tomorrow and some panties, I am fine" kind of guy. However, when someones life is in danger he's always there to help. He got the OOO Driver from Ankh and with it, he's able to transform into Kamen Rider OOO.
The source ofKamen Rider OOO's power is by throwing in three O Medals into the transformer belt, the OOO Driver. The O Scanner will then have to scan the three medals to access the TaToBa Form: the power of Eagle's is the head, the power of Tiger's are the chest and arms, the power of the Grasshopper's are the legs. When he transforms a tune plays. By throwing in different O Medal combinations OOO can form change.
Kamen Rider OOO Statistics:
Here is the recent picture posted on Koyanagi Yu's official blog, taken from the set of Ultraman Zero The Movie: Super Decisive Battle! Belial's Galactic Empire that will be shown this December. Koyanagi will be playing as Ultraman Zero's human host, Ran.
As you can see in the image above, Koyanagi is holding the Ultra Zero Eye, Ultraman Zero's henshin device. The device is similar to Ultraseven's Ultra Eye, Ultraman Zero's father.
In the Ultraman Zero The Movie: Super Decisive Battle! Belial's Galactic Empire, Ultraman Zero will also acquire two new forms, Ultraman Zero Super Form (left) and Ultraman Zero Kiba Form (right). As of now, it is still not revealed on how will Zero acquire these forms.
Ultraman Zero The Movie: Super Decisive Battle! Belial's Galactic Empire will be showning on Japanese theaters on December 23, 2010.
Thanks and Credits to JEFusion for the news.
Yes, you are seeing it right. Kamen Rider W will have another upgrade, yet again. But this time, it will be a movie exclusive upgrade. It will be called Kamen Rider W Cyclone Joker Gold Xtreme.
Kamen Rider W Cyclone Joker Gold Xtreme acquires wings that gave him the ability to fly. It will debut on Kamen Rider W FOREVER: A to Z Gaia Memory of Destiny during Double's fight against the powerful villain, Kamen Rider Eternal.
Double accessed Kamen Rider W Cyclone Joker Gold Xtreme form via the people's powerful desires and hopes combined that he will defeat Kamen Rider Eternal in the climax of the movie. In the scan above, most of Shotarou's previous clients are shown.
Credits and thanks to JEFusion for the info.
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