Here's a list of sentai mechs exclusive to the movie releases. we'll start with the little ones.
Gao Kongu (Gaoranger)Owner: Gao Red
Length: 24.5 m | Height: 28.0m
Weight: 1250 tons | PA #18
History: The power animal Gao Kong is from a volcano on an island in another dimension. Its Gao Jewel was formed when the two pieces of the ruby were joined on an alter during three simultaneous eclipses, and it was then awakened from the volcano. Gao Red gives him back to a princess named Iriya. Exclusive to the movie Fire Mountain Howls.
Gao Leon (Gaoranger)
Length: 37 m
Height: 21.5 m
Weight: 1150 tons
Power Animal #96
History: The ancient predecessors to the current Power Animals are part of GaoGod, which was destroyed 1000 years ago by Master Org. It is bascially gun-metal and chrome variation to GaoLion.
Gao Condor (Gaoranger)
Length: 35 m | Height: 43 m
Weight: 440 tons | PA #97
History: The ancient predecessors to the current Power Animals are part of GaoGod, which was destroyed 1000 years ago by Master Org.
Shamanism wisdom: Death, prophecy, love of the mother goddess, knowledge concerning the death of a loved one and purification.
Condors in Sentai History: Jetman (1991) and Gingaman (1998).
Gao SawShark (Gaoranger)
Length: 34 m
Height: 17 m
Weight: 800 tons
PA #98
History: The ancient predecessors to the current Power Animals are part of GaoGod, which was destroyed 1000 years ago by Master Org.
Gao Buffalo (Gaoranger)
Length: 38 m | Height: 28 m
Weight: 2000 tons | PA #99
History: The ancient predecessors to the current Power Animals are part of GaoGod, which was destroyed 1000 years ago by Master Org.
Buffalos in Sentai History: Liveman (1988)
Gao Jaguar (Gaoranger)
Length: 31 m | Height: 20 m
Weight: 750 tons | PA #100
History: The ancient predecessors to the current Power Animals are part of GaoGod, which was destroyed 1000 years ago by Master Org.
Shamanism Wisdom: Jaguar symbolizes great beauty and rebirth. It has close associations with the life force and the eternal feminine. It's powers can be used for benevolent purposes or sinister ones such as exacting revenge on an enemy.

Carnoryutus (Abaranger)
Alternate Spelling: Carnoryuutasu
Dinosaur: Carnotaurus
Chasmosealdon (Abaranger)Dinosaur: Chasmosaurus
According to Dino Earth legend, these 'horrible' bakuryuu buried everything in snow. Fifteen thousand years ago, her soul was put in the Bakulaser and sealed the two bakuryuu. They were frozen in ice on an island and must never escape because they would condemn the planet to another ice age. The Evorian brought with them the iceberg a few years ago to our dimension and because of that, they have awoken. Carnoryutus and Chasmosealdon swam all the way to Earth causing ravage. The other bakuryuu were defiantly scared of them and fought them. Carnoryutus had the power to freeze things and froze Paki, Dime, Para, and Ankylo. They were destroyed by all the Bakuryuu collectively. Appears in the movie only. Bakureno appears in an episode.

BLAST BUGGY (Dekaranger)
In the movie, DekaBreak is sent to Planet Leslie. When the Dekaranger teleport to Leslie to fight Vulgar in his Killer Tank, DekaBreak arrives to the rescue in the Blast Buggy. He explains that he found it on the DekaBase on that planet. It became the arms of the Dekarangerrobo.
Dimensions: 34.6 meters long, 24.0 meters tall, 24.0 meters wide, weighs in at 2000 tons, and can travel at 600 km/h.
Unigolon (Magiranger)
Alternative Spelling: Unikirion
Height: 35 m
Length: 69.3 m (13 meters longer than Valkyrion)
Width: 21 m
Unigolon can travel through dimensions and is capable of entering the Infreshia's underworld. They befriend this Unicorn Majuu in the movie. He appears in the Heavenly Great Hall after Magiel approves of the siblings. Lunagel tells them he used to belong to Bragel, their father. Kai rides out of Magitopia on Unigolon and flies down to Hades. He faces Wolzard and blindsights him with a fire attack and goes on to save Yamazaki. Unigolon shoots out a ball of light from his horn that MagiRed kicks and breaks the spell over Yamazaki.
Rin Lion (Gekiranger)
Height: 22.8m | Width: 15.6m | Length: 51.4m | Weight: 1200 tons
Speed: 600 km/hr | Power Output: 1300
Rio's RinBeast that forms the upper body armor and sword for GekiRinTohja. RinLion's huge body is used to rush at an enemy hitting it with heavy attacks, along with use of its fangs and Blade Tail. It can also fire Rinki from its mouth in a Ringi called "Lion's Roar." Its aura form was first seen in Episode 4. It is seen in various episodes in Rio's attacks. It is seen in its physical episode in Episodes 33 and 47.
Rin Chameleon (Gekiranger)
Height: 5.2m | Width: 10.0m
Length: 16.3m | Weight: 200 tons
Speed: 500 km/hr | Power Output: 200
It is Mele's RinBeast and it forms a rope-gun that attaches to GekiRinTohja's left arm. RinChameleon can cloak itself and can extends its tongue to wrap around the opponent, with a Ringi called 'Bind Firmly.' The only time it appears in the show is Episode 33 and 47. They had formed GekiRinTouja twice, SaiDaiGekiRinTouja once, and GekiRinToujaWolf in 'Gekiranger vs. Boukenger.'
Retsu-Taka (Go-Onger) He is a hybrid between a racecar and a falcon. His name means "Burning Falcon." He comes from the samurai World of the Frame Dimension. He is similar to Speedor. He and his comrades form Engine Dai-Shogun. His other form is the Flame-People leader. First appeared in Engine Sentai Go-onger: Boom Boom! Bang Bang! GekijoBang!! Speedor's soul entered its cast in Episode 40.
Shishi-no-Shin (Go-Onger)
He is a hybrid of a bus and a lion. His name means "Moving Lion." He comes from the samurai World of the Frame Dimension. He is similar to Buson. He and his comrades form Engine Dai-Shogun. His other form is a Flame-People Warrior, a humanoid. First appeared in the movie. Bus-On's soul entered its cast in Episode 40.
Tsuki-no-Wa (Go-Onger)
She is a hybrid of a black bear and a 4WD Truck. Her name means "Cresent Moon." She comes from the Samurai World of the Frame Dimension. She is similar to BearRV. She and her comrades form Engine Dai-Shogun. Her other form is the only woman amongst the Flame-People. First appeared in the movie. Bear RV's soul entered its cast in Episode 40.
Kyoryu Origami (Shinkenger)
A crimson dinosaur support Origami based on the Sauropoda that is normally in the form of the Kyoryumaru, a Shinkenmaru-like weapon, used by the first Shinken Red. The Kyoryumaru's blade is capable extending over long distances. Premieres in the movie and officially premieres on the show in Episode 31.
Well that's the mechs in disconnected form, but more to come.
Info and pics credits:
Super Sentai Time Capsule